Relationship of Attitude about Premarital Pregnancy and the Incidence of Premarital Pregnancies in Kulon Progo 2015

Relationship of Attitude about Premarital Pregnancy and the Incidence of Premarital Pregnancies in Kulon Progo 2015
Based on Kulon Progo Health Department report in 2012, there were 25% of brides were positively pregnant. In 2013, around 44% of brides were already pregnant. Pre-marital preganancy is influenced by internal and external factors, one of them is attitude about pre-marital pregnancy. This research aims to determine the relationship between attitude about pre-marital pregnancy and pre-marital pregnancy incidence in Kulon Progo. This research is observational research with cross sectional design. The population is brides in Kulon Progo in 2015. The sampel was obtained by simple random sampling, 120 respondents from 1 Community Health Center in every district with inclusive criteria of graduate from elementary school and exclusive criteria of health workers. The independent variable was attitude about pre-marital pregnancy. The dependent variable was pre-marital pregnancy. The instruments were questionairre and data collecting format. The data were analyzed using correlation analysis chi-square with significant level of 5% (p=0,05). This study showed that most of the brides in Kulon Progo were in the age of 20-30 years old, midly educated, and employed. Pre-marital marriage in brides in Kulon Progo was 15 people (12,5). Most of the brides in Kulon Progo had positive attitude about premarital marriage. The Conclusion is there is a significant relationship between attitude about pre-marital marriage and pre-marital pregnancy incidence. Keywords: pre-marital pregnancy, incidence of pre-marital pregnancy