Health Information System

Health Information System
Deepublish Publiser, Yogyakarta
This book is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to integrate nursing science with various information management and analytical sciences in order to identify, define, organize, and share data, information, knowledge, and wisdom in nursing practice. Nursing Informatics supports nurses, consumers, patients, the interprofessional health-care team, and other stakeholders in all positions and situations in order to achieve the desired outcomes. This support is provided using information architecture, information procedures, and information technologies. The material in this book is important to you if you work in the clinic or community nursing services. This material provides benefits related to your understanding of nursing informatics. In the United States, nursing informatics has become one of the specialties in nursing. The learning activities presented in each unit in each module can provide an understanding of nursing informatics and its implementation in nursing services. Students are expected to understand the topic. After successful completion of this course, you will be able to: 1. understand Health Digital Transformation In Indonesia 2. understand Health Management Information System 3. understand Nursing Informatics 4. understand Clinical Decision Support Systems In Nursing 5. understand Health Information System Evaluation 6. understand Telehealth and Telenursing 7. operate SPSS for Nursing Students 8. operate Microsoft Excel for Beginners 9. operate Manager References: Zotero 10. operate Quillbot: an Artificial Intelligence Paraphrasing Tool Online 11. operate Turnitin: Plagiarism Checker The following details must be taken into consideration to obtain these competencies: 1. You must take your studies seriously and try to apply what you learn to the settings in which you perform clinical nursing. 2. Work as hard as possible on the exercise assignments after each learning activity to thoroughly comprehend the subject matter. 3. A summary of key information is provided after each learning activity to help you better understand the important ideas in this module. 4. Once you have a firm grasp of the material in this module, concentrate on the formative exam questions that can be used to enhance learning and repair modules. The outcomes of formative tests can also be used to gauge how well you understand or perform on a subject.