Penambahan Intensitas Pencahayaan Berkorelasi Positif dengan Penurunan Gejala Kelelahan Mata

Penambahan Intensitas Pencahayaan Berkorelasi Positif dengan Penurunan Gejala Kelelahan Mata
Background: Workface as human resources holds a key role in the industrial process, therefore its role needs special attention. The work environment is anunseparatable part from the type and the location of the work. They can also influence the workers productivity. The employees need enough lighting, not dark and prevent a glare and without adjustment, even helps to create and enjoyable and fun working environment. One of the industries that is engaged in the informal sector is “X” Industry in Sorosutan, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta which manufactures household utensils made of aluminium, has a lighting intensity in their work place which is not suitable for working. Objective: to acknowledge the influence of adding lighting intensity on subjective symptoms of eye strain of the workers in “X” Industry Yogyakarta. Method: This is a Quasi Experimental research with pre test-post test with control group design method. There are 20 respondents as the treatment group for this research and 7 people as the control group. The result are analyzed using the free T-test with the significant level of 95% (% u03B1 = 0,05) on the SPSS program for windows. Result: After adding the lighting or lamps from 65 lux into 209 lux, there is an increasing lighting intensity in “X” Industry work place. The eye strain subjective symptoms decreased from 7.95 to 4 after the lighting addition or decreased by 49.83%. There is a difference on the eye strain subjective symptoms in the treatment group, which the average decrease is 49.83%, and in the control group with the average decrease of 19.58% (p value = 0.000).