Lime Granule As Filter To Absorb Acid Contamination On Portable Fume Hood

Lime Granule As Filter To Absorb Acid Contamination On Portable Fume Hood
Fume hood is an important means of equipment in chemical laboratories for research activities that use hazardous chemicals. Fume hood is generally installed patent in a laboratory, with a drain that only connects the fume hood to the outside air without passing through the filter, so that chemical contamination causes air pollution around the environment. In this report, a portable fume hood design with an acid pollution absorber filter was prepared. This study aims to: (1) make a portable fume hood equipped with an acid contaminant absorbent filter housing, (2) determine the length of time the ability of the lime granule can function as an acid contaminant absorbent filter in the use of a portable fume hood, and (3) determine whether or not bromine thymol blue (BTB) is used as a marker that the quicklime granule on the portable fume hood is no longer able to absorb acid contamination. This study is a quasi-experimental study using posttest only with control group design to assess the feasibility of using lime granules as acid absorbent filters on portable fume hoods. Data analysis was performed by regression using the Excel program. The results of the study are as follows: (1) portable fume hoods equipped with wheels, electrical installations, lighting / lamps, smoke / gas inhalers, water networks / washing equipment, acid pollution absorbent filters, and markers / indicators that the filter absorbent contaminants acid needs to be replaced, (2) The average length of time the ability of lime granules can function as an acid contaminant absorbent filter on the use of a portable fume hood at a lime granule weight of 0.5; 1,0; 1,5; and 2.0, respectively 222, 589, 880, and 1219 minutes. This relationship can be estimated with a regression equation Y = 0.619X – 36.71. Which Y is the ability of lime granule as absorbent of acid contamination, and X is the weight of lime granule, (3) BTB can be used as a sign that the lime granule on a portable fume hood is not able to absorb acid contamination anymore.