Gambaran Pengetahuan Menyikat Gigi dan Status Kebersihan Gigi dan Mulut pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar

Gambaran Pengetahuan Menyikat Gigi dan Status Kebersihan Gigi dan Mulut pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar
Background: Dental and oral hygiene is an integral part of overall health that could affect one’s quality of life. One of the reasons for ignoring dental and oral health issues is poor knowledge of dental and oral hygiene. Elementary school students are vulnerable to dental and oral health issues, so they need special attention. Research Purpose: Describing knowledge of tooth brushing and dental and oral hygiene status among elementary school students. Research Method The present study used descriptive research design with cross sectional research type. It was performed in Sekolah Dasar Muhammadiyah Banyuraden, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The research population was 30 2nd grade students of Sekolah Dasar Muhammadiyah Banyuraden. The aspect being studied was knowledge of tooth brushing and dental and oral hygiene status. The research instruments were questionnaire and dental and oral hygiene status examination sheet. The present study was performed in February – March 2020. The sampling technique was saturated sampling. The data analysis used distribution of frequency and cross-tabulation. Result: Most 2nd grade students of Sekolah Dasar Muhammadiyah Banyuraden had good knowledge of tooth brushing (80%), moderate knowledge of dental and oral hygiene status (63.3%), and good knowledge of tooth brushing with moderate knowledge of dental and oral hygiene status (62,5%). Conclusion: The 2nd grade students of Sekolah Dasar Muhammadiyah Banyuraden have good knowledge of tooth brushing and moderate knowledge of dental and oral hygiene status. Keywords: Knowledge of tooth brushing, Dental and oral hygiene status, Elementary School Student.