Analisis Spasial Potensial Breeding Places Aedes sp. di Desa Bangunharjo, Sewon, Bantul, DIY

Analisis Spasial Potensial Breeding Places Aedes sp. di Desa Bangunharjo, Sewon, Bantul, DIY
Background : DHF is an endemic disease that spreads massively throughout the year, especially in the rainy season. Therefore, it is necessary to do a method to describe how the spread of dengue cases is seen through a map of Aedes sp. distribution. Aim : To find out the spatial description of potential breeding for places Aedes sp. at Bangunharjo village, in Sewon, Bantul, DIY Method : This research was conducted by using descriptive study with a survey method and was conducted in January – April 2020. As the study population was 39 houses of DHF cases in 2019, mainwhile as the sample were 16 houses of dengue cases during two trimesters (May – December) in 2019 that met the criteria. The visual larvae survey method is conducted to record the houses’ coordinates by using GPS based on the presence of larvae. Results : In Bangunharjo District, DHF cases occurred in all dukuh continues and tend to spread across the area. This DHF mapping become a guide to see the presence of larvae at 50 m and 100 m distance from the case houses based on possible breeding sites Aedes sp. The survey exhibits that there is a distribution of larvae in Bangunharjo Village as many as 40 houses (37.03%) out of 108 houses that were observed. Furthermore, the distribution of larvae using the buffer process, base on the type of container, indicates that larvae distribution is found mostly in containers for everyday use. In relation to analysis of the buffer, it can be concluded that the transmission of DHF cases from the case point in the 50 m radius zone is more at risk of DHF transmission because more larvae are found. Conclusion : The spread of larvae using buffer method can explain visually how far the fly distance of Aedes sp. from the coordinates of the DHF case. Keywords: DHF, the existence of Aedes sp. larvae, Geographic Information System, buffer method