Road safety audit at black spot area (case study in Tlahab Lor, Karangreja, Purbalingga, Central Java)

Road safety audit at black spot area (case study in Tlahab Lor, Karangreja, Purbalingga, Central Java)
American Institute of Physics (AIP)
Traffic accidents impose serious problems in terms of medical costs, lost of productivity, property damage costs, and human costs. Traffic accidents are increasing and still become the main of road transport problem in Indonesia. One of the causes traffic accident incident is the road infrastructure deficiency, so it is needed the road safety audit of infrastructure deficiency. The aim of this study is to analysis the road safety audit at black spot area in inter-city roads at Purbalingga District. The study location is in Bayeman, Tlahab Lor, Karangreja, Purbalingga, Central Java. Database of traffic accidents from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2017 were obtained from Purbalingga Police. There are three parameters analyzed i.e.: road geometric, road pavement condition, and harmonization of road equipment facilities. The result of road safety audit shows that some of road infrastructure must be repaired to reduce the accident potential incident, that is: roadside and space roads in geometric aspect that involves the sight distance, aspect of pavement that involves rutting and lane/shoulder drop off, and equipment harmonization aspect that involves the speed limit sign, warning sign, and traffic signal.