Identification of Black Spot and Equivalent Accident Number using Upper Control Limit Method

Identification of Black Spot and Equivalent Accident Number using Upper Control Limit Method
Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN)
Traffic accident is one of the serious problems faced by the Indonesian Government. The traffic accident rate in Indonesia is still considerably high. In 2014, 28,297 people died in road traffic accidents, 26,840 people severe injury and 109,741 people minor injury. The aim of this research is to identify black spot location and equivalent accident number using Upper Control Limit (UCL) method. The study location is in Purbalingga, Central Java, Indonesia. Database of traffic accidents from January 2010 to December 2013 were obtained from Purbalingga Police. The results showed that the equivalent accident number for death victims or fatality is 10, a severe injury is 4.25, a minor injury is 2.33, and property damaged only is 1. Seven roads have weighted accident number value greater than the upper control limit value and identified as a black spot location. Black spot location in Purbalingga regency are Jln. Raya turut Desa Bojongsari, Jln. Raya turut Desa Jetis, Jln. Raya Bayeman, Desa Tlahab Lor; Mayjend. Sungkono Street, Blater; Jln. Raya turut Desa Penaruban; Jln. Raya turut Desa Kembangan and Jln. Raya turut Desa Gembong.