The Role Of Parents On Teenagers Smoking Behavior In Pressing Family Expenditure Budget In National Scale
The Role Of Parents On Teenagers Smoking Behavior In Pressing Family Expenditure Budget In National Scale
The prevalence of adolescent smokers increases from year to year. Most of the smokers come from low income families. Giving the role of the parent as an educator, both for those who smoke and those who do not smoke has a positive impact on adolescent smoking behavior, among others, it decreases the number of cigarettes smoked perday. Until now it is not known how much funds can be saved in the family as a positive impact of the role of parents as educators for their teenagers. This research is a descriptive study that aims to provide an over view of the amount of familiy funds that can be saved for cigaratte shopping for young smokers. The result show that giving therole of parents toboth smokers and non-smokers as educators can reduce family funds for shopping for cigarattes for teenagers. Non smoking parents as educators can save family funds for shopping for cigarattes for teenagers is greater than for smokers.
Keywords : parents, cigarette shopping, teenagers.