Similarity Test: Factors Associated With Exclusive Breastfeeding Among Working Mothers Inyogyakarta City, Indonesia (Sri Yunita, Munica Rita Hernayanti, Niken Meilani)
Similarity Test: Factors Associated With Exclusive Breastfeeding Among Working Mothers Inyogyakarta City, Indonesia (Sri Yunita, Munica Rita Hernayanti, Niken Meilani)
Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta
Exclusive breastfeeding is a health behavior that can be influenced by a lot of factors. Being a working mother is one of the factors that limits the practice of exclusive
breastfeeding, yetthe number of female workers keep increasing every year. The aim of this study is to determine factors that are associated with exclusive breastfeeding among working mothers in Umbulharjo Subdistrict, Yogyakarta City. The factors studied are
knowledge, attitude, facility’s availability, duration of work, husband’s support, and health provider’s support. This is an observational analytic study with cross sectional design involving 84 working mothersselected through purposive sampling technique. Data was collected using a questionnaire. The data were analyzed using univariate analysis, bivariate analysis (chi square), and multivariate analysis (logistic regression). The
proportion of working mothers who practiced exclusive breastfeeding was 67,9%. The main factors that were found to be associated with practiced of exclusive breastfeeding among working mothers are duration of work (p= 0,001 PR= 8,6 CI95%= 2,548–28,854) and health provider’s support (p= 0,000 PR= 9,2 CI95%= 2,741–30,820). The most significant factor influencing practice exclusive breastfeeding among working mothers was
the health provider’s support. Thus, health providers can maximize maternity leave to do health promotion, so that when the working mothers returns to work, they are already psychologically prepared to continue exclusive breastfeeding.