Kampanye cegah stunting Bangsa sehat sejahtera

Kampanye cegah stunting Bangsa sehat sejahtera
LPPM-Universitas Tarumanegara
According to Riskesdas 2018, 3 out of 10 toddlers suffer from stunting. Stunting in early life tends to settle into stunting in later life periods in childhood, adolescence, adulthood and the elderly. Stunting has short-term consequences in the form of low learning achievement and reduced opportunities to get a good school. In the long term, stunting causes a 22% reduction in the chance of getting good jobs compared to normal adults and has the potential to suffer from metabolic syndrome is higher than normal adults. While short adolescents will grow into short WUS with all the consequences including giving birth to low birth weight babies and short, and the risk of giving birth with Secsio Caesar (SC) is higher because of “chepalo-pelvic disproportion”. On one side of the SC is the high risk of failure to initiate early breastfeeding (IMD) and exclusive breastfeeding, even though breast milk is very important for child development and development including preventing stunting. The stunting prevention campaign which was held on December 14th at GOR Amongrogo Yogyakarta, was carried out in collaboration with the Presidential Staff Office (KSP), the Yogyakarta Health Office, Yogyakarta Health Polytechnic, CIMSA (the center of medical student activities throughout Indonesia) and NA (Nasyiatul Aisyiyah), presenting approximately 500 participants to participate in campaign activities to prevent stunting. In this activity it was reported as many as 20.6% of overweight and obese adolescents, and 26.3% of adolescents stunted 29.8% of KEK adolescents and there were still many adolescents who were out of balance to achieve their desired body image. While overweight-obese in adults as much as 69.4%, short 26.7% and hypertension-hypertension 35.9%. In addition to anthropometric measurements, counseling was also held regarding reproductive health, mental health, food consumption and nutritional status. Keywords: stunting; teenager; anthropometry; campai