Fine motor, gross motor, and social independence
skills among stunted and non-stunted children
Fine motor, gross motor, and social independence
skills among stunted and non-stunted children
Rouledge Taylor & France Group
Child growth and development are important aspects of the quality of
human capital in future. This study aimed to examine the association
between stunting and fine motor, gross motor, and social independence
development among children under the age of five years old. We
included a total of 525 children from district level survey in Sedayu
Subdistrict, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, for further analysis. Stunting was
associated with fine motor (OR = 3.45; 95% CI: 1.22–9.76) and social
independence (OR = 7.09; 95% CI: 2.01–25.01), but not gross motor skill
(OR = 2.43; 95% CI: 0.67–8.81). Performance ratios of fine motor (p =
0.02) and social independence (p = 0.01) skills were also higher among
non-stunted children compared to stunted children.