Pengembangan Posbindu Penyakit Tidak Menular
(PTM) Institusi sebagai Upaya untuk Mewujudkan
Usia Produktif yang Sehat di Yogyakarta
Pengembangan Posbindu Penyakit Tidak Menular
(PTM) Institusi sebagai Upaya untuk Mewujudkan
Usia Produktif yang Sehat di Yogyakarta
Posbindu PTM (Non-Communicable Disease) institution was an effort to promote
health and community-based health efforts (UKBM) in workplaces. Posbindu aimed to detect
PTM risk factors early and prevent them so that the workforce were healthy and productive.
Partners in this community service activity were the Yogyakarta Regional Police, DIY
Government, and Yogyakarta 403 Infantry Battalion, carried out in March-July 2020. First we
recruit cadres, then training, inisiating, monitoring, and evaluation. The results showed that as
many as 20 cadres recruited, training with 98% participant attendance, enthusiastic
performance, increasing cadre’s knowledge significanly, forming Posbindu and implementing
early detection of risk factors NCD in Posbindu PTM institusi.
Keywords: Posbindu, non communicable diseases, workplace, health promoting.