Correlation of Pregnancy Stage And Gingiva Status of Pregnant Woman Who Visited Rsud Lebong-Bengkulu

Correlation of Pregnancy Stage And Gingiva Status of Pregnant Woman Who Visited Rsud Lebong-Bengkulu
Background : One of the diseases of pregnant women that still have high prevalence is periodontal tissue disease, which is pregnancy gingivitis. Pregnancy gingivitis is a gingival inflammation that occurs during pregnancy. Plaque and hormonal are the causes of pregnancy gingivitis. Research Objectives: To prove a correlation of pregnancy stage and the gingival status of pregnant women who visited Hospital of Lebong-Bengkulu. Research Methods: This research is an analytic survey. This research conducted on 9th November to 9th December 2017 at the Gynecologist Poly of RSUD Lebong-Bengkulu. The sample is calculated based on Slovin Formula and sampling are Purposive Sampling. The Gingival Index (GI) is an index used to measure the severity of gingival inflammation from the subjects of the research. The results of this research then tested using a parametric test with 95% confidence interval and p <0.05 considered as significant number. Research Results: The results of analysis with crosstabulation showed pregnancy gingivitis more suffered by pregnant women in the third trimester which is as much as 53,4%. Moreover, the result of analysis with parametric test of Pearson correlation showed the correlation of pregnancy stage with gingival status of pregnant mother showed significance value as P=0.000. The Conclusion: There is a significant correlation between Pregnancy stage with the pregnant women who visited Hospital of Lebong-Bengkulu. Keywords : Pregnancy Gingivitis, Pregnant Women, Pregnancy Stage, and Gingival Index