Kandugan Gizi, Indeks Glikemik, dan Beban Glikemik Brownies Berbahan Campuran Tepung Sukun (Artocarpus communis) dan Tepung Kacang Merah (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) dengan Penyubstitusian Margarin

Kandugan Gizi, Indeks Glikemik, dan Beban Glikemik Brownies Berbahan Campuran Tepung Sukun (Artocarpus communis) dan Tepung Kacang Merah (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) dengan Penyubstitusian Margarin
Background: The prevalence of diabetes mellitus in adults continues to increase from year to year. A low glycemic index diet will help in the primary prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Low glycemic index is influenced by fiber content and resistant starch. It is necessary to use food materials rich in dietary fiber and resistant starch, such as red beans and breadfruit. The potential development of kidney beans and breadfruit is brownies. Brownies of breadfruit and red bean flour are expected to produce low glycemic index and glycemic load. Objective: To determine glycemic index and glycemic loads brownies-based breadfruit and red bean flour with margarine substitution Method: This type of research is experimental study with a simple randomized design using 2 treatments with different materials. Each level of treatment was carried out 1 replications and each replication of 1 experimental unit. Variations of breadfruit and red bean flour mixture is 35%: 65% with the proportion of margarine 55%: banana 45% and 100% wheat flour as a control with margarine 100%. Proximat, dietary fiber, and resistant starch were analyzed descriptively. Glycemic index and glycemic load was analyzed by Independent t-test. Keywords: brownies, breadfruit, red beans, proximate, dietary fiber, resistant starch, glycemic index, glycemic load.