Canteen Manager And Elementary Student Empowerment About Local Food To Combat Anemia,

Canteen Manager And Elementary Student Empowerment About Local Food To Combat Anemia,
Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2010 shows number of health problems, one of them is anemia. Anemia in Elementary Students has impact on degradation of Indonesian Generation quality. This problem can be prevented by consuming nutritious foods which contain sufficient level of iron. Iron can be gathered from green vegetables such as; spinach, water spinach, beans, legumes and fruits such as; banana, mangoes, papaya, watermelon, which was produced by farmer in villages. Recommended way to solve anemia is empowerment of canteen manager to serve local food. Aim of this research is analyze impact of canteen manager empowerment towards knowledge, attitude, behavior, participations and students Hb enhancement. This is a quasi experimental research using pre and post test with control group research design. Treatment is canteen manager empowerment and observation was hold in a month of treatmen. Indeoendent variable is canteen manager empowerment to maximalize local food. Dependent variable is knowledge, attitude, behavior, participations and students Hb enhancement. Data were gathered using test, interview and observation. Data were analyzed stastically using t test. Canteen manager empowerments to solve anemia influence knowledge, attitude, behavior, participations and students Hb enhancement. Those dependent variables were increase significantly.