Gambaran Fasilitas Sanitasi Masjid di Kecamatan Sewon Kabupaten Bantul Tahun 2021

Gambaran Fasilitas Sanitasi Masjid di Kecamatan Sewon Kabupaten Bantul Tahun 2021
Abstract Environmental sanitation facilities in public places must be carried out in the form of supervision, inspection, and maintenance. Mosque as a public placemcan provide opportunities for disease transmission, environmental pollution or other health risks if the environment is not clean and does not meet sanitation requirements. The purpose of this study is to describe the condition of the mosque’s sanitation facilities in the Sewon district. The type of research used is descriptive through surveys and observations on the object of research based on the checklist of mosque sanitation assessments in accordance withKep. Menkes 288/Menkes/SK/III/2003 with a population of 38 mosques. The sample of this study amounted to 5 mosques with purposive random sampling technique. The results showed thatNurul Hujjaj Masjid Mosque The results of the score on variable 1 are 100% and variable 2 is 83%, namely the sanitation conditions of the mosque are in the healthy worthy category, Masjid Ja’far The score on variable 1 is 84% and variable 2 is 90%, namely the sanitation conditions of the mosque are in the healthy worthy category, Al-Mahmuda Mosque The score on variable 1 is 100% and variable 2 is 73%, namely the sanitation conditions of the mosque are in the category of less healthy , Masjid Ar-Rahman The score on variable 1 is 92% and variable 2 is 86%, namely the sanitation condition of the mosque is in the healthy category and Kamaluddin Mosque The score on variable 1 is 92% and variable 2 is 79%, namely the sanitation conditions of the mosque are in the healthy category. Keywords : Sanitation facilities, mosque sanitation, proper health.