Peer Review: Gambaran Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pemilihan Kontrasepsi Suntik DMPA di Puskesmas Sleman Tahun 2015

Peer Review: Gambaran Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pemilihan Kontrasepsi Suntik DMPA di Puskesmas Sleman Tahun 2015
Background: Data lndonesian Health Ministry showsthatthere are 8,500,247 newfamily planning participantswith 48.56% using injectable contraceptives. The percentage of participants KBsuntik active in the province is the highest ie 46.01%, in Puskesmas Sleman ?,cceptors injecting 48.5%. Acceptors who choose injectables because of seyera lfaciors. Objective: To determine the factors that influence the selecticn of picture injectable contraceptive DMPA in Puskesmas Sleman 2015. Methods: descriptive study with cross secflonal design. Location of the study in Puskesma-s Slefian with research subiecls throughout the injectable DMPA acceptors who visit the Puskesrnas Sleman with the nunber of responcients 35 people. Results: Factors that influence the selection of injectable ccntraceptive DMPAin Puskesrlas S/ernan 201 5 inciude the age oi the respondent is a risk cf cancer v/ere age> 35 years a nuntber of 31 .43, the majority of respondents’ education is junior (48.57%), did not work i IRT as much as 54.29%, parity mutioara much 51 .43%, anci have sufiicient knowledge as rnuch as 65.71%. Conclusian: Overview of factors that influence the selection of injectable contraceptive DMPA in Puskesmas Sleman, the majority aged <35 years (iess a risk of cancer), junior high school education, the majority oi respondenfs ln fhls study is notworking / lRT, having more rhan one child, anci have sufficientknowledge aboutthe DMPAinjeclions. Keywords: DMPAinjeciions,lhe factorsthat influencethe selection of injectable ccntraceptives