Variasi pencampuran tepung labu kuning sebagai bahan penstabil es krim ditinjau dari sifat fisik, sifat organoleptik dan kadar beta karoten

Variasi pencampuran tepung labu kuning sebagai bahan penstabil es krim ditinjau dari sifat fisik, sifat organoleptik dan kadar beta karoten
Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta
Background: Pumpkin is a food which is easily cultivated and has the potential for good nutrition but has not been used optimally and pumpkin consumption in Indonesia is still very low. Utilization of pumpkin is limited in the scope of traditional processed, use pumpkin as fl our products are still very rare. Pumpkin fl our content of beta-carotene have high enough. Pumpkin fl our can be used for a mixture of cornstarch as a stabilizer of ice cream on physical, organoleptic and beta carotene levels. Objective: Determine the infl uence of variations in mixing fl our as an ingredient pumpkin ice cream stabilizer on physical, organoleptic and beta carotene levels. Method: This was a quasi-experimental study. The treatments were the effect of variation of mixing fl our as an ingredient pumpkin ice cream stabilizer on physical, organoleptic and beta carotene levels. The physical properties were analyzed descriptively. Organoleptic properties were analyzed by non-parametric statistical tests use the K-independent samples (Krusall-Wallis). If there is a difference followed by Mann Whitney test. Beta-carotene levels ice cream were analyzed descriptively. Results: The physical properties of the resulting yellow ice cream, milk aroma, distinctive sweetness of milk and pumpkin and a smooth texture. Organoleptic most preferred trait that ice cream not mixing pumpkin fl our and the least preferred the mixing ice cream with pumpkin fl our by 60%. Highest fiber content of fl our mixing pumpkin by 60% is 1037.30 μg. Conclusion: There are determine the influence of variations in mixing fl our as an ingredient pumpkin ice cream stabilizer on physical, organoleptic and beta-carotene levels.