Lomba Ular Tangga Gerakan Masyarakat Hidup Sehat Kelompok Tanggap Bocah
Lomba Ular Tangga Gerakan Masyarakat Hidup Sehat Kelompok Tanggap Bocah
Stikes Wira Husada
Health behavior problems in elementary school children are usually related to personal hygiene and
the environment. Awareness, willingness and the ability of students to behave in a healthy manner are
needed in an effort to improve the quality of life and must start from childhood by cultivating Germas
and PHBS. Snakes and Ladders Germas is a health promotion media to deliver health messages and
receive health information that is used when conducting health education in schools. Community service
aims to familiarize elementary school students in child response groups applying activities related to
Germas and PHBS using Snakes and Ladders Games. Activities in the form of Snakes and Ladders game
contest. The activity was carried out in the working area of the Sleman Public Health Center. The
competition was participated by 10 representative groups from 5 villages in the District of Sleman.
Winner I of Triharjo Village, II of Pandowoharjo Village, III of Tridadi Village, Harapan I of Trimulyo
Village and Harapan II of Caturharjo Village. The GERMAS game material presented can be understood
by the accompanying cadres and children. The game GERMAS makes children more familiar with each
Keywords: ladder snake, germas, phbs, boy response