Similarity Index : Health-promoting university: the implementation of an integrated guidance post for non-communicable diseases (Posbindu PTM) among university employees
Similarity Index : Health-promoting university: the implementation of an integrated guidance post for non-communicable diseases (Posbindu PTM) among university employees
IUHPE – Global Health Promotion Vol. 0, No. 0 201X
Abstract: Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) remain a challenge globally and in Indonesia. Workplace
environments may place employees at risk for NCD behavioral factors. This study aimed to develop
an integrated guidance post for NCD (in Indonesian, ‘pos pembinaan terpadu penyakit tidak menular’
[Posbindu PTM] early detection among employees in one of the Indonesian universities. Posbindu
PTM is a community-based program oriented towards promotive and preventive efforts to control
NCDs where the community acted as change agents. We conducted a process evaluation based on a
quantitative approach through a survey (n = 313) and a qualitative method using in-depth interviews
(n = 12) to support our findings that Posbindu PTM was acceptable and feasible to implement in a
university context. High participation in Posbindu PTM showed that the program could encourage the
university employees to join NCD prevention strategies from early detection to counseling and referral.
All participants positively accepted Posbindu PTM for its benefits to health, the flexibility of the
program, and the quality service provided by cadres. A need-based program planning, commitment
from university leaders, adequate human resources and facilitation, and cooperation between
departments, the clinic, and local primary health center and health department determined the success
of Posbindu PTM implementation. In contrast, external activities negatively affected participants to
join Posbindu PTM. There is a need for more routine scheduling and online-based application to
enhance the program’s performance. Posbindu PTM is essential for engaging employees with their
health and may serve as a model for NCD prevention and control in similar settings. With Posbindu
PTM implementation’s success, a further stage is required to empower and sustain the Posbindu PTM
program towards health-promoting universities.
Keywords: health-promoting university, workplace health promotion, non-communicable diseases,
employee, Posbindu PTM