Similarity Index : Design Thinking of DEPA Application to Support Monitoring Growth Children

Similarity Index : Design Thinking of DEPA Application to Support Monitoring Growth Children
Public Health International Conference (PHICo)
BACKGROUD: Due to pandemic Covid-19, Posyandu was disrupted affecting child growth monitoring. AIMS: This study aims to design of the DEPA application METHODS: This was research and development of children’s anthropometric using android applications based on PMK no 2 year 2020. Design focuses on prototype, which means turning ideas into actual products, by inviting several stake holders and users in Focus Group Discussions. Futhweer design materials and storyboards, content, navigation, fiture and it’s flow . Reseacrh was carried out on May-June 2021 in Yogyakarta. RESULTS: The FGD was attended by stakeholders from the nutritionist/programmer in health office province and district level, midwivery, psychologists, organisation of pre school children, childhood teachers, Posyandu cadres, health promotion officers, women empowerment and wellbeing organisation (PKK) as many as 18 persons. There were recommendation to develop the application includes growth and child development. The storyboard design includes the toddler menu interface and nutritional status. The toddler interface includes toddler identity, general information, body height and weight, nutritional status and it’s interpretation. The child development interface contains the stages of it’s standart and interpretations. The growth interface contains nutritional status, trend and recommendations. In general, desain thinking of DEPA can support cadre an kinderganteen performance on growth monitoring also related other stakeholder on nutritiononal surveilance. CONCLUSION: The design of prototype DEPA application meet the nececity of programmer, pre-school children accreditation, Posyandu and maternal for self assesment children growth Keywords: smart phone, application, anthropometry, toddler