Gambaran Sanitasi Permukiman di Dusun Kamongan Srumbung Magelang Tahun 2021

Gambaran Sanitasi Permukiman di Dusun Kamongan Srumbung Magelang Tahun 2021
Residential sanitation is one of the factors that affect the degree of human health. All houses should meet the terms and conditions to protect the occupants of the house from the emergence of environmental-based diseases wich caused by inappropriate housing conditions. The purpose of this study was to determine home sanitation and population behavior as well as the incidence of environmental- based diseases in Kamongan, Srumbung, Magelang in 2021. This type of research is descriptive research, and the data collection methods used are observation, interviews, and documentation, referring to Permenkes 1999 (Number 829). The object of this research is 135 houses in the Kamongan. The results of the assessment of 135 houses in Kamongan were 94 houses (69.63%) which were categorized as healthy houses, while 40 houses (29.63%) were categorized as less healthy houses, and there was 1 house in the unhealthy category (0.74%). The recommendation from this research is the community suggested to improve sanitation facilities in their houses which are still inadequate and improve clean and healthy living behavior.