The Influence of Parent’s Blood Type Towards Jaundice on Neonates in Sadewa Hospital 2016

The Influence of Parent’s Blood Type Towards Jaundice on Neonates in Sadewa Hospital 2016
Neonatorum Pathological jaundice caused the death of 6% of neonatal deaths. The incidence of jaundice is in 50% of aterm infants and 75% of preterm infants. Incompatibility of blood type is one of the most common cause of neonatal hyperbilirubinnemia. The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of parent’s blood type with the incidence of neonates jaundice. This study used prospective cohort design with purposive sampling techniques. Samples taken were grouped into two groups: risky blood type and not risky blood type;, each groups contain 57 respondents. Retrieved data used blood type test and observation. Analysis used chi-square and Cox regression. Statistical analysis shows the variable which related with the incidence of jaundice in neonates isparent’s blood type (p = 0,002), birth weight (p = 0,003) and parturition type (p = 0,008) while unrelated variable is gestation (p = 0,27) and breastfeeding status (p = 0,503). Multivariate analysis relates with the incidence of neonates jaundice isparent’s blood type (p = 0,013) and birth weight (p = 0,026). For conclusion, there is significant parent’s blood typewith the incidence of neonatal jaundice. Parent’s blood type increase the risk2.5 times the occurrence of neonates jaundice (RR=2.5 CI95%1,407-4,606). Neonates born to couple who hasrisky blood type has the opportunity for jaundiced 2.4 times compared with neonates born to couple who does not have risky blood type after controlled for other variables.
Keywords: Blood Type, Jaundice, Neonates