Pengaruh penyuluhan terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan dan keputusan menggunakan kontrasepsi pada unmet need keluarga berencana di Umbularjo Kota Yogyakarta
Pengaruh penyuluhan terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan dan keputusan menggunakan kontrasepsi pada unmet need keluarga berencana di Umbularjo Kota Yogyakarta
Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta
The growth of the population in Indonesia was always increasing, by a growth rate of 2.6 deaths per year. Family planning has been able to reduce the population growth rate from 2.4% to 1.9% in a rational way. Based on RISKESDAS/ Basic Medical Research in 2010, the use of family planning is known only 53.9% in married women age 19 years. Nationally, there were still 19% of married women during reproductive age who did not use Family planning to prevent or delay pregnancy, and there were 27.1% who previously used family planning but now did not use it after then was nationally detected by 14% in which they needed it but could not be met (unmet need). Objectives: To determine the effect of health education by demonstration method and video playback media in enhancing knowledge and decision making to use contraception in the unmet need family planning. Methods: The study design was using pre-experiment with one group pretest-posttest design. The sampling technique was purposive sampling which found a sample of 46 unmet need women of reproductive age. Before and after getting health education by demonstration method and video playback media were given questionnaires about their knowledge level and 2 weeks after then were given interviewed to determine their decision to use contraception. The data analysis to find out the effect of health education by demonstration method used paired t-test and the data analysis to find out the decision making to use contraception used chi-square test. Results: the test results in enhancing knowledge obtained paired t-test count value of -7.8375, Cl g5% (2,730501 to -1,610962) and -2.170732 mean of the differences (p-value 0.000). the results in decision making to use contraceptionobtained chi-square value of 4.1938 and CI 95% 0,081 to 0,310, (p-value 0,1228).